Where are you dangerous?

The other night I was having dinner with a friend and the question, “Where are you dangerous?” came up. At first, it took me a bit aback. There was something about the question itself that […]
The other night I was having dinner with a friend and the question, “Where are you dangerous?” came up. At first, it took me a bit aback. There was something about the question itself that […]
I wanted to share my story with you around (not) fitting in, in hopes that it can inspire you in some way. So, first of all, let me start off by saying, I’ve always wanted […]
It’s been awhile since I’ve reached out, and I wanted to share what’s been going on. It all started in February when the light was shined on many of my relationships. Hint: It was not good. […]
Hiding out and playing small are patterns. And you can break them…via @DeborahAcker Click To Tweet Do you ever feel invisible in your world? Maybe you’re playing smaller than you desire to and are hiding […]
What I Don’t Want You To Know About Me + Owning My Truth I did this video last week on Facebook Live on what was going on inside of me as a high school teenager, […]