I met someone the other day…

I met someone the other day… Another human. He had come into my place to deliver a new microwave, and it reminded me of the times in my past when I wouldn’t have even acknowledged […]
I met someone the other day… Another human. He had come into my place to deliver a new microwave, and it reminded me of the times in my past when I wouldn’t have even acknowledged […]
I know this time of year it can be easy to get caught up in the world of “stuff”. But, it’s in the every day and everyday where the gift truly lies. For me, yesterday as I walked home […]
How Our Tears Lead to Increased Happiness and Presence I want to talk about a question I’ve been getting a lot lately – about crying. I know, as a society, we’ve been conditioned not to […]
It’s been a bit rough lately, and I wanted to share this piece of my journey with you, because I think it’s important for you to know that my life isn’t perfect and nor do […]