My Biggest 2018 Lesson + What I’ve Been Up To

Happy Holidays! It’s been awhile since we connected, and I wanted to share what I’ve been up to and my greatest lesson for 2018. To be completely transparent, this year has not been an easy […]
Happy Holidays! It’s been awhile since we connected, and I wanted to share what I’ve been up to and my greatest lesson for 2018. To be completely transparent, this year has not been an easy […]
The other day I was reminded of my journey breaking into Outside Medical Sales. I had been in Corporate Travel for several years, and I had found a job doing inside sales selling a wound-closure […]
Hiding out and playing small are patterns. And you can break them…via @DeborahAcker Click To Tweet Do you ever feel invisible in your world? Maybe you’re playing smaller than you desire to and are hiding […]